– Confident moodlet when trying to disprove others’ faith (for the rudest members of the Congregation out there….) – Bored moodlet when performing wellness activities or dancing. – Happy moodlet when performing scientific and logic activities They dislike wellness activities such as yoga and meditation, and anything they would call “New Agey”.” Sims within the Congretion of Non-Believers enjoy activities that involve logic and science.

Other Non-Believer Sims have more respect for all the faiths of the world, but simply do not understand them or partake. Some of them like to try to convince religious Sims that their faith is but a flight of fancy. Imagination is reserved for fiction (which they are fond of) logic governs the rest. “The Congregation of Non-Believers puts logic above all else. This is a place for all Sims who call themselves non-religious but in the end, kind of worship logic and science (click ‘details’ to expand full description). Advertisements THE SIM-RELIGIONS Congregation of Non-Belivevers